The Competition
Competitors will speak for 5 - 7 minutes on one of the following topics:
1. If you are the federal Minister of Agriculture, what will be your top 5 priorities?
2. How can lessons learned on the farm translate into life lessons?
3. Farming the Future: How will technology, robotics and AI change the face of agriculture?
4. The gap between the urban and rural continues to grow. How can the agriculture sector bridge the knowledge gap to better inform their urban neighbors about conventional agricultural practices?
5. Taking over the Family Farm: How can today's young farmers talk to their parents and grandparents about becoming more involved in the family farm?
Senior Competition (16 – 24)
Preliminary Cash Bursaries at Olds and Calgary Prelims:
1st - 5th Place: $200
6th – 10th Place: $100
Senior Finals Prize Bursaries:
1st Place: $2000
2nd Place: $1500
3rd Place: $1000
3 Honorable Mentions: $500/person
Junior Competition (11-15)
Preliminary Cash Bursaries at Olds and Calgary Prelims:
1st - 5th Place: $150
6th – 10th Place: $100
Junior Finals Prize Bursaries:
1st Place: $1,000
2nd Place: $750
3rd Place: $450
3 Honorable Mentions: $150/person